Quick Protein Curried Paties

Some times we just need something that is fast, healthy,  filling, gluten free and vegan

Quick Protein Curried Patties, Heated

1 cup Almonds *sprouted

1/2 cup unsweetened dry coconut

1 cup gluten free Oats

1/2 cup chia seeds

1 Tsp Curry Powder

1/4 tsp Himalayan Salt

2 cups of water


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender.  Add water and blend until smooth.  You may have to add more water to make a thick mixture, much like Canadian Pancake Mix or Crumpet Mixture.  Heat a griddle and make small or large patties. Heat until no longer moist.  If you do them in your dehydrator it will take 12 hrs.

To sprout Almonds: Soak overnight or 8 hrs and put them in your dehydrator for 12 hrs until dry or on warm in your oven for 2 hrs until dry.  This releases the enzymes

These Patties can be served with any toppings.  Avocado, Hummus and Salsa.  I made my Curried Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Stew and poured it over the Patties.  Be Creative and surprise your family




Gillian Purkiss