Yummy Chocolate Cookies that are Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free and Extremely Delicious

 Chocolate Chip Cookies, Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free and Extremely Yummy and Nutritious 

2 cups  Almonds *Sprouted and Dehydrated
2 cups Walnuts *Sprouted and dehydrated
2 Cups organic steel cut oats, *sprouted and dehydrated
1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
1/4 cup Chia Seeds
1/2 cup Coconut oil melted

1 cup Chocolate Chips(Bitter chocolate) Vegan

Grind the Almonds and Walnuts in a food processor such as a vita mix to make flour. Put in a bowl.  Blend Oats to make a flour and add to  bowl with salt and Chia seeds.  Add the coconut Oil and chocolate chips. Add  water if needed to make a cookie dough.  Using a spoon or scoop put cookies on dehydrator sheet, can be close together and dehydrate for 12 hrs or until done.  They will firm up when cooled.
These can be done in an oven at lowest temperature for approximately 5 hrs.
*To sprout you soak nuts and Oats overnight and then put them in your dehydrator for 12 hrs or until dry and crisp. This step can be omitted but if you want optimum nutrition, sprouting is the best way.
Makes about 30 cookies
Store in plastic or glass container

Gillian Purkiss