Rainbow Pizza that is all raw, gluten free and vegan

Imagine a pizza that is not only delicious but is actually going to give your more energy and not hurt your "belly".  My grand children enjoy this pizza.  They are my true testers as they are very honest.


*1 cup sprouted Buckwheat(this is a seed)

*1 cup sprouted Walnuts

1/2 extra virgin Olive Oil

1/4 cup Chia seeds

1 tsp Himalayan salt

extra water to make a dough

Grind buckwheat and walnuts to make a flour. The Vita Mix works very well to grind the ingredient. Make sure the container is dry  Add rest of ingredients to bowl  and slowly add the water to make a dough.  Using your hands spread on a pizza sheet.. I find using food grade gloves works well or wet your hands.

Pizza Sauce

2 Tomatoes

1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes

1 clove garlic

1 Tbs chopped onion

1/4 tsp salt

2 Tbls chopped basil

1Tbs chopped Oregano

Put all ingredients in  a blender and pour over pizza dough. Spread evenly.

Pizza toppings

1/2  each of Red and Yellow peppers. Chopped

1 cup Mushrooms,sliced

1/2 red Onion sliced

1/2 cup chopped zucchini

1 Tomato sliced or 1/2 cup halved cherry tomatoes

1//2 cup chopped eggplant (obt)

1 cup Kale cut in ribbons

1/2 cup mixed Olives

1 cup raw vegan cheese or sprinkle nutritional yeast which takes on a cheese flavor

Layer all ingredient. You can omit or add your own preferred ingredients

Pizza can be heated in a Dehydrator for 6 hrs at 120 deg Fahrenheit or

cooked in the Oven at 375 for 15 minutes.  The Dehydrator will keep all the enzymes intact allowing the phytonutrients and anti oxidants to remain activated giving your body an extra boost

* To sprout. Soak over night in water. Drain off water and add nuts and buck wheat to your dehydrator and dehydrate for 12 hrs.  If you do not have a dehydrator do not worry, just use the nuts and seeds as they are.  Dehydration adds an extra boost of activated enzymes to your pizza





Gillian Purkiss