Secrets to stop "unhealthy" snacking Watch the Video

Have you ever wondered why you can’t stop snacking at certain times?. Why do we reach for sugary or salty items? And why do we do this so mindlessly? The first thing to do is recognise what is happening or what is taking place at the moment you want to snack. Are you bored, are you stressed, did you just talk to someone that stresses you or is it just habit that is triggered by something you do regularly. I’ve noticed everytime we watch a Movie, my husband likes to eat cheese and crackers. To the point where I will make sure I have a healthy cheese and healthy crackers as I am not going to tell him to stop and be that nagging wife. We may just have finished our meal but he still choices to eat this snack. If we do not watch a movie, which we are trying not to do these days, he does not even think about “Cheese and crackers”. That would be an example of a habit that once we change the usual activity we can change the habit.

What if eating too much protein could be a cause of snacking on the wrong foods. Eating proteins especially meat is so hard on our digestive system and our digestive system is needing more energy to digest this heavy meal that the only way and easiest way is to reach for something sweet. It’s time to use less meats. Use it as glitter on your food, as my friend from #healthinahurry says.

For me it’s when I sit at the computer and do my work and it’s all about Food. I make sure I drink water. I even have a water pitcher right next to my cup so I can keep hydrated. Alos a good cup of herbal tea is helpful. Having no unhealthy snacks in the house is important. I will usually gravitate to apples sliced or Humus and kale or cucumber.

I find that even healthy snacking can be too much as our digestive systems do need a rest from ingested foods. Sometimes I change my location when on the computer. Standing, sitting, using my Laptop computer, sitting outside or even taking a walk with the dog.

How do you remove stressful situations.?one way is to anticipate them as they usually revolve around people,you can remove the person from your environment,that is a good start or maybe getting help from a therapist to help you handle the situation in a constructive way. Getting equipped with the tools needed to handle the stressful situation. The long term of unhealthy snacking can play havoc on your immune system and can cause you to store excess weight that can cause autoimmune diseases.

I hope these few tips will get you started towards clean living so you can live your best life…

Gillian Purkiss