Staying Healthy with HIV. A true story.... watch the Video

This is my first interview and it has been amazing to see the reactions of people. My children were shocked at first that someone would want to be interviewed with HIV. I told them to watch the video. They were all amazed at the information. I don’t think things have been updated since the 80’s. Even my children who fall in the 16 to 30 brackett did not know the facts. Carla has such a gentle and genuineness about her. She is passionate to have her story heard and for HIV to no longer be considered a subject we do not talk about. Im hoping to do another one where Carla can share more about her story and healing process especially about the healing of food.

I believe that informed people are kinder, smarter and more accepting of differences. I did not know that the pill you take would make HIV undetectable and therefore not contagious. People with HIV can now live normal lives. Maybe more people will be more open about their diagnoses so they can heal properly.

For Carla, she has done a lot of internal healing as well as physical healing. I was honoured to be apart of her story and see her begin to blossom. Thank you Carla for your story.

Gillian Purkiss