Watch the Video: Tips on Becoming a Plant-based, Vegan or Vegetarian... Where do you get your Proteins?

This is always the question asked, usually with a tone that you are clearly not “smart”. I do love this question “Where do you get your Protein?” We have been indoctrinated to believe our proteins come form meat, cheese and eggs and that this is the only source for healthy bodies. When I first started researching healthy eating it was such a revelation to realize that we get our protein from most plant based foods. And we only need a small percentage. The fact that our bodies do not make Protein but utilizes amino acids to create protein is also new information. Our bodies store these amino acids for when we need them so no need to panic to make sure that every meal has the 8 essential amino acids. If you look at animals and see what they eat, which are grass and grains , and how big they get just from eating these foods its not hard to realize that we to can get big and strong on a plant based diet. Animals also make Proteins from the amino acids they eat, Pretty Cool…

I believe in education. If you want to go more plant based then you need to educate yourself or get a coach to help you transition into the wonderful world of plants. Pastas and breads do not constitute a vegan/vegetarian diet. You will find yourself gaining weight, tired and depleted of nutrients. Granted they fill you up but the have zero health benefits especially if you are eating highly processed breads and Pasta.

I have never looked back since going Plant based. I love the foods I eat and love the way I feel on them. There is such a wide variety of colours and textures that its not hard to fall in love with my foods.

If you need help to transition I am here to help. I do private and group on hands cooking (or not) classes. We have a lot of fun in these classes and they are geared to your needs.

Gillian Purkiss