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Juicing removes all the fiber from the fruits or vegetables you're putting through your extractor.

This can offer some benefit for those with compromised digestion, because fresh juices retain most of their nutrients, and yet are highly absorbable and easily digestible.

The downside is that fresh juices containing a lot of sugar (carrot or fruit juices) are liquid calories without fiber.

This means that consuming calorie-rich juices can make you gain weight, or can upset your blood sugar.

If you're going to juice a lot, stay away from carrot and fruit juices.

You can use one carrot or one apple to sweeten a green juice, but don't make it the base of your juice.

Green juices are an excellent way to obtain quality minerals, antioxidants, and improve your nutrition with one tall glass a day.

A hint of sweetness is such as an apple is permitted, but keep it green!

Instead, add lemon

However… fruit juices has its place. Here are the circumstances allowing for fresh fruit juices:

  • As a treat

  • to heal

  • After or during a workout, especially one where you burn a lot of calories. Watermelon juice is excellent for long-distance running, with added electrolytes in it.

  • During a juice cleanse, to get some calories and energy.

  • After a fast or cleansing diet

  • If you're trying to gain weight or if you're particularly active

Other than that… keep your juices green!


The advantage of smoothies is that they keep all of their fiber. But be careful… too much blending and that fiber will be broken down so much that it will lose its structure.

The body will treat that fruit smoothie much like a fruit juice.

Smoothies should be liquid meals. Unless you're preparing for a big workout, don't just drink a tall glass of fruit smoothie. Add other elements to it, like green vegetables (such as spinach).

Smoothies can be a great way to get in your greens AND your fruit intake for the day in an easy way, keeping all the fiber and most of the nutrients intact.

One way to achieve all-day energy is to bypass the digestive burden we face every day by liquefying some of your meals.

It’s a good idea to move your jaw as if you were chewing to allow the digestive juices to be activated in your mouth to.

Let me know if I can help :

Gillian Purkiss