An Easy and Free Way to Heal Your Gut and Increase Your Energy

Sometimes we just need “simple”. We all have programs and steps that take work and commitment for you to reach your goals. We read books, read blogs, go on instagram listen to podcasts and facebook. Changing habits takes work and commitment. What if there was one thing you could do to help you right now, that was free, easy and all you have to do is Count.

One of the first sessions I do with my clients is introduce them to this technique. You will be surprised when I tell you and may even not believe it. I have seen this one technique change the way people eat and have watched the beginning of gut issues reverse.

Let me introduce you to Chewing. How many times does the average person chew? 2 to 3 times. So we eat and swallow foods without tasting is, we swallow chunks of undigested foods. What do you think that does to our digestive system?. Do you think your digestive system happily breaks down this food filled with a mixture of Macro and Micronutrients and probably filled with sugars and hydrogenated fats that the body does not want. Your gut will have to pull from other resources in the body to help with digestion leaving other parts of your body unprotected as it cannot do what it is supposed to be doing. Also the liver is heavily taxed and eventually becomes compromised. The gut itself, including the intestines and stomach will have undigested particles that will perforate the lining causing scars as well as causing undigested food to ferment

What happens when we chew. Saliva in the mouth formed by glands create Amylase , an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. So as you chew the saliva has time to break down the carbohydrates. If you can keep chewing until the food becomes almost a liquid, you have saved your gut so much work. As your food easily goes down the esophagus and enters the intestines and travels to the stomach the micronutrients are ale to be broken down and carried easily by the blood. Lipase and protease breaks down the fats and the protein, both enzymes. All the food that has been chewed properly is easily digested, allowing your digestive system to work at it optimum.

Imagine eating a salad and every nutrient from that dish has been utilized by our body. Imagine how much energy you will have. You will take more care about what you actually put into your mouth as you become more mindful and present as you are eating. You nervous system has been calmed as you are not eating under stress, To be present is more calming and more focused is relaxing. An added benefit is that as you slow down you will not only gain more energy but the hormone Leptin is produced and this tells you that you are full, but only after 20 minutes, as well the hormone Ghrelin is able to break down your fats to be used as energy. You will even Lose Weight. Fantastic!!!

So how to begin.

  • Take a bite of food.

  • put your knife and fork down

  • chew until it is a liquid, 10 to 20 times

  • Notice the flavour of the food

  • notice the texture

  • notice the people around you

  • notice the aroma

  • notice the colours of the food

  • then swallow

  • and repeat

Gillian Purkiss