An overview of The Main Diets: Keto, Paleo, Raw, Vegan, Middle Eastern and North American diet. Which one is the Right one Aaaagggghhhh???

I have wondered about the different types of diets. I find it very frustrating when another diet comes out because we jump on it thinking it is the new miracle that will get us to our optimal health but , as diets go, we lose momentum and land up ri…

I have wondered about the different types of diets. I find it very frustrating when another diet comes out because we jump on it thinking it is the new miracle that will get us to our optimal health but , as diets go, we lose momentum and land up right back where we started. Unless the habits have changed and you have the right support, the cycle keeps going. Different diets keep us confused and some of us would rather just go back to eating the north american diet as it is more comfortable and “Who Has the Answers?”

It is so unfortunate that The Keto Diet is becoming so big when for the first time in our century “Plant Based” eating is becoming more known. They really do conflict in many ways. We are becoming more aware of our planet and most people are making changes in their homes to reduce plastic, composting, saving electricity, water etc. The problem with Meat is that animals are raised without concern to their well being and on a mass scale , causing havoc to our water systems and our planet. Not to mention our health.

Rather that get frustrated I thought I would Map out how to do these diets in a healthy way. Let’s find common ground and stop the “My diet is better than yours”. If all diets done properly ones plate can be 80% raw with a sprinkling of Protein, be it plant protein or animal protein. We can all agree that eating plants is a much healthier and sustainable way to do it. Maybe we do not need to change our “Diets” but our plate. Healthy Keto is possible, actually one can do a plant based Keto. Look at the vegan plate above, Nuts and seeds are the protein, Avocado is the Fat and Grains Making the plate Healthy. On the other hand, the Vegan Not Meat Plate is no different from the North American Plate. How about the unhealthy Keto diet, realistically, can we live on Meat and Bacon??? Notice the North American plate how boring the plate looks.Imagine eating that every day. Do you think your body would be able to balance itself out nutritionally.

Look at the Middle Eastern Plate. Full of Nutritional Dips and salads. Many cultures have been making foods for centuries and have not lost here way like we have in North America.

I was pretty excited to find some common ground with these diets. So lets work together and find creative ways to bring plants onto your plate. It may be easier to make the change when you can still follow your specific “Diet”.

Personally I believe in a whole plant based diet that is full of th the Macro and Micro nutrients and looks like the rainbow. Its time to bring more Fruits and Vegetables to your plate

Gillian Purkiss