Feeling Constipated, Bloated and Carrying Extra Weight You Cannot Lose

What our North American Diet is doing to us.


Our North American Diet is not only addictive but is causing us to experience many healthy problem,s. I believe most of this stems from not been able to eliminate our waste properly. What happens to the fecal matter? It gets store up in our intestines. We all know what an animal farm smells like, can you imagine the smell and the harm this is doing to our system. Even if you decided to eat a more healthy diet today that would not solve the problem of the stored up fecal matter. Some of us are carrying an enormous load in our stomachs. No wonder we are so tired and sick. I would encourage you to see your healthcare provider. Laxatives are not the answer.

This was removed from a man who had a lot of health issues. It is filled with fecal matter

This was removed from a man who had a lot of health issues. It is filled with fecal matter

A medical study recently has confirmed what you may have always suspected: that most people are full of … well, poop.

In a study of autopsies, examiners found that 90% of the cadavers’ colons held an average of 5 to 20 pounds of hardened, decayed feces which were encrusted on the intestine walls.

This means a staggering number of adults (including you) are walking around with a backed-up bowel that holds pounds of old, impacted feces that is protruding their bellies and secretly making them ill.

This was confirmed by a European medical study which found that a whopping 62% of adults whom doctors examined had an average of 10-12 pounds of residual fecal matter buildup in their large intestines and rectums.

But when the doctors gave these poor people a treatment of a special all-natural colon-cleansing substance (not a laxative!), their bowel mass was reduced from 42% to 17%.

I do offer a 14 day cleanse that is not a deprivation diet but a plant based diet where you get to eat. As well as taking flaxseed every morning and evening. At the end of this cleanse you can bring back foods and see if your body reacts to the food you are reintroducing. If you ever wondered whether gluten or lactose or other allergens are affecting your health this is a good time to find out.


Gillian Purkiss