What If You Could Eat Your Way To Health!!!

I am not entirely sure when the shift came for me but it happened.  How does one go from eating because it taste good to eating because it is good?  We have so much against us in North America. Advertising,  rows of fast food branded restaurants,  Scientists that spend their careers trying to find ways to find food more addictive so that you will buy their brand.  It is a real struggle or could we say "war".  Every once in a while I have a thought that says yum to a plate of fries(I loved fries) that someone else is eating.  As a traditional chef I realized I too was led by the flavors and scents that I could see, smell, and taste with no regard to how my stomach may feel and what it would do for my body.  I look at food this way now.  When I look at food Ask myself, What would that do for me?  (It is so subconscious now)  It seems unfathomable to eat foods that would potentially hurt or harm this amazing body that wants me to live my best life.  I have been carefully crafted. I did not just suddenly exist, there is a plan for my life and yours.  I feel a responsibility to  do what I can to make my body work well, look good and have optimal energy.  And live my best life.   How do we do this  "add the Right Fuel".  

It takes breaking old habits, a mind shift that is not easy to do.  Sometimes we need a coach to help us, someone who will cheer you on and course correct when you slip up. Holding you to your best self, keeping you fixed on the goal.  No one becomes an expert overnight.  It takes time and practice and awareness.  

What if you could eat your way to health rather than take medications or spending money and time on fad diets and going to special clinics that cut, pull, inject.  What if it was as simple as choosing real foods.  Food that does not have a long list of ingredients we hardly recognize or pronounce.  What if we ate foods that only have one ingredients e.g. an apple or avocado etc.  Sadly many people would rather eat for the  moment.  That time will come as much as we would like to believe it will not happen to me.  It is not "Russian Roulette".  

You can become excited about eating whole foods. You may need a coach, you may need to change your routines.  It may mean driving another direction so you do not pass all those tempting fasts food signs.  The shift can take place.  I have seen it in my husbands life.  It has taken quite a long time but the shift has happened.  You can do this too,  If you need a coach I would love to walk along side you.  I am passionate to see you live your best life and fulfill your dreams.  There is a community of people who are looking forward to a future of long life that is filled with energy and vitality.

Gillian Purkiss