2019 is when you take back your health and start to Really Live your Life with Purpose and Hope

2019 is when you take back your health and start to Really Live your Life with Purpose and Hope

Another year has almost ended and I am wondering how you are all feeling. I know people are looking for change in their #Diet, #Waste Line and mosly #Health. Some of you have been diagnosed with #pre-Diabetes or have #Diabetes or other #Autoimmunedisease. 80% of North American have pre Diabetes or Diabetes and do not even know it. If you are eating a typical North American Diet (which you may think is healthy) you have a High chance of falling in this 80%. The Doctor gives you your diagnosis and says you need to get off Sugars, make healthier choices, exercise etc and of course the beginning of the long road of medications. NOW WHAT!!! The struggle is real, it affects YOU, this is your life. What if there was a way to prevent and possibly reverse all this. I believe this is possible. It will take work but with the right support and the right system and the right accountability free of the latest “Diet”craze this may be possible.

ONE thing that all doctors and Diets can agree on is that we all need more Fruits and Vegetables in our Diet. As a Raw Food Chef I give you great plant based recipes to add to your diet whether you eat meat or not.

I am so excited to see my clients begin to heal, lose weight, gain more energy and to truly begin to LIVE their LIVES. I find out quickly what foods are good for their body and begin to change Habits to form Healthy Habits that last.

The problem with Dieting is that it usually does not last and that is so frustrating. The reason is that the underlying causes have not been dealt with. We are using #WillPower and that is not sustainable, eventually you will snap. Learning what foods heal and what foods hurt your body as well as addressing #Lifestyle are all key components.

If you have found you cannot do this alone I am here to suport and cheer you on like a #Coach.

Let 2019 be different. You are important and your family and friends want you around for years to come.

Let me help you today, sign up for my “Free discovery session for my “90 day Total Energy Transformation”.

Here is what some of my clients are saying:

“It’s about creating a new mindset to becoming a new you. Thank you Gill for bringing me through to the other side without judgement and with so much encouragement.”


We are so greatful for the presence of Gillian in our lives. Through her knowledge and skills our little family has begun to thrive. The transformative health and vitality my children and I have experienced is instant and phenomenal. That is a truly wonderful experience!”


A Disclaimer: This does not take the place of Medical Advice

Gillian Purkiss