Confused about what to eat???

There is so much information available about what food you should eat and they all seem to conflict with each other.  Paleo, Ketogenic, Intermittent fasting, China Study, Forks over Knives, Vegan, Vegetarian, etc...All these diets hold an important piece of the puzzle.  I follow many of these Doctors who promote these different diets as they have so much research and health information.  The question is "Who is Right?",  Could it be that they all are.  

I believe our bodies are unique.  One Diet does not fill all.  For one, a high fat, high protein diet works best, for another more grains, or no grains or no fat or just plants. the list goes on.   I find that most of us are so disconnected from our gut that we have no idea what works for us.  One good benefit about trying one of the diet protocols is that one does tend to make healthier choices and is focused on what goes into their mouth.  When I work with clients I help them find out which foods give them energy and which foods take away energy.  Also throughout my coaching I am constantly connecting the head and gut so that they become aware of what food is doing to their bodies.  

I have found that Raw Plant Based eating works best for me.  I feel energized and excited every time I prepare and eat my meals.  I also like the fact that I do not have to take a life.  Plants give us living enzymes and Phyto nutrients.  They also contain many of the Micro and Macro nutrients we need to sustain life.  Whatever our diet choice may be one thing is certain, we need more plants in our diets.  Try adding a salad or a smoothie to your day.  Choose a salad over fries when out.  Choose steamed over fried or baked at high heat.  Salads can range from your usual Garden salad to beets, carrots, fennel, cabbages, spouts, Buddha bowls, using the rainbow of colors to create delicious meals.. 

It is Time to take your own health into your own hands by eating plant based foods that heal and give life.  We only have one to live. I plan to live my best life now, not tomorrow...



Gillian Purkiss