Digestive problems and how to heal!!!

The more I understand the digestive system which houses 80% - 85% of our immune system, the more I'm convinced this is the key to our health and well being.  It all begins in the digestive system.  Our large intestine does not get enough credit.  We barely consider it an organ but I believe it is the most important organ.  It is the first organ developed in a child in utero.  Why is it so important?  It is one of the first lines of defense.  As food gets digested in the stomach and moves into the large intestine it has to deal with all the chemical, bacteria, viruses and unrecognizable foods.  It is so overloaded by this onslaught of years of abuse from our North American diet  that the large intestine goes into a "coma".  These toxins are then passed on to the liver which will produce fatty acid to house some of these toxins to protect the rest of the body from these toxins,  hence the tummy bloat and excess fat we carry around our stomachs.  Ever seen someone who looks pregnant, especially men, but are not?  Toxic fat!!!.  Of course the liver will pass some of this onto the kidneys as it also cannot deal with this onslaught. Do you wonder why we get #kidneystones and so many kidney infections?  Then on to the pancreas and bladder. Perhaps the reason why there is a high rate of cancer in these areas especially ovarian and prostrate cancer, is linked to the large intestine.  

It is time to reverse this.  Our bodies want to function at its best.  It will do whatever it can to keep it alive even if it means creating fat, achy joints,sore stomach, sever headaches and even tumors etc.  Its time to consider our large intestine.  It does not take long to bring our large intestine to an optimal state but it will take "3MIND FULL EATING".  What does that mean.?  Every time you put something in your mouth you should ask the question "What will this food do for me?"  That is why I love the #rawdiet as it gives plenty of #prebiotics from the fiber, (helps healthy bacteria to feed and grow), #anti oxidants and #phytonurtients which help with damage on a cellular level, as well as needed vitamins and minerals that have not been destroyed by cooking.  Adding a good #probiotic, I use #LiyfBiotic (vegan and I love the integrity of the ingredience) is a good way to build up your bacteria that has been over ridden by anti biotics and incorrect diets.  Bone Broth for the collagen, check out Dr Axe, is also great for healing the lining of your large intestine. Its time to kick start out immune system.   Our bodies are our biggest allies, are you your bodies best ally . Send me a message if you need help with this

Gillian Purkiss