How to Reduce Stress Naturally

The Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Connection

What is the link between a healthy body and mind? The natural mind-body connection is truly amazing! For example, when you feel stressed, your immune system can suffer. When you allow tension to distract you from making positive choices, your health can deteriorate. What's interesting about all of this is that YOU have the power to avoid stress triggers and focus on positive lifestyle choices! These choices can have a positive impact to create a more healthy body and a healthy mind!

Constant stress and worry are actually all forms of "mind toxins". Chemicals such as endorphins can stimulate the production of extra cortisol and adrenaline in the blood stream, making it difficult to fight illnesses.1 It's important that you take time daily to clear out your mind of any worries and find ways to rid yourself of a build up of negative chemicals.

Reduce the Stress, Naturally

It's a sad truth that we live in a time when chronic levels of stress have pervaded much of society. This unhealthy lifestyle, coupled with poor eating and sleeping habits, can create havoc on the mind and body.

Here are some suggested ways to reduce stress, naturally:

  • Give your mind a break from information overload. We live in a world that includes too many forms of stimuli, like television, radio, cell phones and the Internet. Make a sincere effort to get away from this by turning them off when not needed.
  • Start meditating. Find a quiet spot in your home or office and learn mindful meditation techniques to clear the mind of all the day's stresses. Learn to listen to your body by deeply breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, making note of your heartbeat and the sensations of your body.
  • Allow positive thoughts to replace negative ones. Focus on the good things in your life and let those things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things dissipate. By paying attention to the positives, the negatives won't seem as powerful in your life.
  • Once you are in a calmer state of mind, get outside and take a brisk walk, ride a bike or go for a run around your community. Bring water to keep hydrated during exercise. Taking in the fresh air and clean water will have a naturally refreshing effect on your spirit.
Gillian Purkiss