Inflammation!!! What now???

Most of us suffer from some type of inflammation if we are eating the North American Diet causing pain in our bodies ." PAIN IS NOT LIVING YOUR BEST SELF."   Unfortunately if we do not listen to the cues our body is giving us it will develop into an autoimmune disease such as IBS, Chronic fatigue, fibromylagia, cancer, heart disease, colitis, diabetes etc.  Some of us have resigned to the fact that it is the progression of getting old.  Looking back 50 yrs ago people did not suffer for years before dying, they simply died of old age.  The last time that was written as a cause of death on  a death certificate was in 1952.  I believe we do not have to suffer like this.  We can enter out older years gracefully and with energy and vibrant health.  Granted we may slow down a bit but not suffer from pain caused by inflammation.  

The first thing I do for my clients is get them to drink more water, so simple, but our bodies are so dehydrated which adds stress on the body.  Exercise is also important, allowing the body to move and flow in a steady rhythm allowing the nutrients to be easily absorbed by the body.  I do believe we can heal our bodies by food and lifestyle changes.  How about adding more greens such as broccoli and cabbage, great healing qualities to fight inflammation, adding seaweed products such a E3live or chlorella powder, juicing barley greens and adding more sprouts.  Turmeric contains cur cumin which is known to reduce inflammation as well as ginger.  You could take 1000mg a day of each  or add the roots to your smoothie or juice.  You can even make a tea which you  can sip on daily.  How about Pineapple.  It contains Bromelain which has an enzyme which helps fight cancers and arthritis.  Omega  fatty acids are very healing, found in flax, walnuts and fish oils.  Of course we have the problem with  our sugar addiction.  This feeds inflammation.  Simple Carbohydrates such as our refined flours wreak havoc in our gut. Try breads that are made with sour dough or ancient grains moving away from products that contain gluten.  Many of us have a gluten sensitivity.  I do teach sprouting and dehydrating breads made from sprouted seeds and some ancient grains getting the maximum nutrition .  This may seem overwhelming.  If you need someone to walk along side you and coach you to a better  health and life style, Lets chat... You do not have to do this alone.

Gillian Purkiss