Healing From back injury can leave you feeling hopeless. Chris has not only healed his own back but has worked on many Olympic gold Medalists and Sport professionals. Listen to the interview

Chris has such a wealth of experience in helping the body heal. We decided to talk about the most common injuries he deals with. The back, which includes the spine. He was able to heal his own back and be free of pain by using his techniques. Surprising the Doctors. He gives us some practical advice about treating the spine properly to prevent injury but also how to heal if we have an injury already.

He explains about hydration and how important it is at the cellular level. This is one of the first techniques I get my clients to do which is more hydration. Chris will not work on anyone who is not hydrated. He can feel the dehydration in his treatment. I reminder that we need to think on the cellular level of health.

Chris uses many techniques that he has learnt from World Renowned Doctors who travel the world to work on professionals. Chris is passionate, as I am, about seeing people healed and not living in pain. Living with pain is so difficult and prevents you from truly living your best life. He may have some answers for you. He has a very busy clinic in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

This is his first debut through media as he now realises that this is the best way to get his message across.

I enjoyed this interview and look forward to tackling Headaches and practically showing you techniques that can help towards healing.

Remember that mindset and hydration are Key.

Gillian Purkiss