12 Steps to Living Your Life Under Isolation. It's Easier than you think

Colourful foods increases your hunger and                                     happiness

Colourful foods increases your hunger and happiness

Hi Everyone.  What an interesting time we are facing in History.  If we follow history we will notice that there have been outbreaks at certain times.  The bubonic plague, the Spanish flu, Malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, smallpox, influenza etc...  When I lived in South Africa, the Aids Virus was a huge scare for us at the time as we did not understand it but we got through it .

How are you all dealing with this.  If you feel your emotions are all over the place you are not alone.   I think as time goes on we will settle away from the Fear and anxiety to starting to look up and out.  What I mean by that is that the need to survive  will be calmed and we will be able to start to be human again.  Humans crave relationships.  You may even be experiencing this now.  Starting to notice the lonely, the elderly, your neighbour, maybe you have even started volunteering or giving to organizations that need extra resources.  This is what cannot be taken from us.  As we move away from Fear we start to take on  Love.   Love takes us out of ourselves , it helps us find out what is important.
We have been forced to Stop.  To become Silent.  It's almost as if we are having withdrawals from our busy lives.  Are we detoxing?.  What does it mean to me still or quiet.  We are constantly filling our minds with other people's agenda, scrolling endlessly through our phones.  What this does, is takes us away from reality, actually keeps us distracted from what is important.
What is Important?  Only you can figure it out.  That's what I have been doing.  I call it "Brainwash"  taking time to put my phone away and get quiet.  Getting back to hearing my own voice.  What is it that I truly believe and desire? What is my Purpose? Am I fulfilling my purpose.?  Such a Gift to have this time to ask those questions.  I think it will take a year for us to process all that is happening during this time.  I believe we will look at the world very differently.  I wonder if our relationships will change, the way we do business and what we focus our priorities on.  Families I believe will have new and deeper relationships.  
I encourage you to take the time and reset your brain and reset your health.
If any of you need some emotional support through this time don't hesitate to give me a call as I do offer the free Coaching call.  
1. Move away from conspiracy theories
2. Watch a comedy
3.  Put your phone away
4. Don't reach for your phone when you wake up
5. Don't listen to the news first thing in the morning
6. Consider who you can be a blessing to today
7 Go for a walk
8. Eat great bright coloured foods especially fresh fruit and vegetables
9.  Do something for yourself every day that brings Joy
10. Sign up with zoom and get your friends to do the same so you can all connect .
11.  Embrace the stillness
12. Reach out to someone if you are feeling overwhelmed
Gillian Purkiss

Gillian Purkiss