An interview with Carla Martinez. Carla explains how she has beat the stigma of living with HIV and how she is living a normal, actually, and amazing life. watch the Video

I met Carla when she came to me to be coached. She was digging herself out of a tough spot and was placing people in her life that would help her on her journey. We had a lot of fun as Carla was discovering how to love herself and many other things. This was one of her most exciting changes she made and it transformed her life. The way she thought about herself and was able to set her feet on a path that would take her down a road of more self discovery. She is rocking the HIV world with her positive attitude and showing the world how to live with your diagnosis. She is such an inspiration and I know she is just beginning and we will see her become a champion for HIV. We all have areas in our lives that keep us stuck. Whether it is not loving and respecting yourself, lacking energy, not knowing which foods to eat, not taking time to honour your day, finding yourself in the cycle that keeps you stuck and more,. There is help. If you are struggling I offer a Free coaching session to help you unravel what is keeping you stuck

Its all about living the best life that you can

Gillian Purkiss