Tips to loose weight when eating a healthy diet

Why is it that we could have the healthiest diet, exercise regularly and still not see any positive result in weight loss.  I have not done a "diet" in over 30 yrs and still maintain a healthy weight.  What I have learnt over the years  does not involve counting calories, starvation and deprivation.  Tried it and it is is not sustainable. I chucked out my scale.  I do not eat food to be thin but foods that are going to give my body the optimal nourishment and  nutrition it needs to be healthy.  I GET TO EAT...

  • I focus on what I get to eat
  • I eat more #Raw and#fermented foods.  Incorporating more raw foods into your diets is a great way to help keep your body nourished with the enzymes it needs to break down foods. Fermented foods are full of the digestive enzymes we need to digest our foods
  • Chew your foods thoroughly.  The longer you chew your foods the better your body can digest it.  Digestion starts in the mouth. 
  • Avoid foods that inhibit enzymes.  These are our refined sugar, chemical preservative, white flour, and artificial sweeteners.  Did you know that sugar makes you fat!!!
  • Rest.  It is so important to take time get a good night sleep. 8 hrs in fact.  The hormone Glucagon which takes fat and helps you burn it off is hindered if your body is not rested and if there is too much insulin in your body caused by high sugar foods
  • Drink lots of water.  We sometimes forget to drink.  At least 8 glasses a day.  Buy a fun water bottle that will encourage you to drink more.



Gillian Purkiss