Do you ever feel like you are going two steps forward and one step back?

Photo by RuprechJudit/iStock / Getty Images

We should never be disappointed by our choices or think our life if going no where because if these are your thoughts then I can reassure you, you are going forward.  We call this walking in the desert.  Sometimes we need this journey as I did to be quiet and learn.  Mine came from raising 8 beautiful children, yes I birthed them all, same father.   I kept thinking there has got to be something greater at the end of this mommy, nursing, diapers, you ruined my life phase.   During this time I learnt what it was like feeding and raising a family and maneuvering through isles of misinformation and staying sane.  Although I’m not sure on the sanity part.  I home educated, raised chickens and hens , ground my own flour and baked my own bread, finding cures for my babies if they got sick . Super mom or what!!! It was exhausting and paid its toll.  I had developed beginnings signs of Chronic Fatigue, so prescribed, and finding help from a Russian Doctor who gave me bee venom which worked wonders but I needed to manage stress as well.  Learning from some of the great masters on dealing with stress and using some great techniques which I still use today, reversed the symptoms.  Most of my children were raised on a plant based diet except for our free range chickens.  When they reached teen years, hence the “you ruined my life” phase they began to notice the Golden arches and began to crave more junk foods.  One thing I have learnt, do not tell a teenager they can't have something. So as long as they paid for it they could have it.  Compromise, maybe but a peaceful home and a relationship was more appealing.  Besides when I laid down the law it would be for something more serious and morally based.  Sometimes we need to relax and allow our kids and other people to mature and grow and find out for themselves.  Fortunately I have seen the result of my wisdom all though I did question it at times.  My older kids, usually at 20,  begin to have health issues from pimples to stiff joints, chronic bronchitis, colds, flu etc.  Guess what happens?   They start to ask questions and start to buy equipment such a #Vita mix (blender) and their journey begins.  My 18 year old son has finally asked me to make him oatmeal and a smoothie, non-dairy, for breakfast. Wow… he still eats his daily dose of junk but it’s a start.  He wants to be a chef maybe he will follow in my footsteps.  My one daughter who took a little longer, at 26 yrs old, developed pre-cancerous tumor on her thyroid glands and severe stomach issues, which I struggled with as well till I went on a plant based diet.  She went on a 3 week vegetable juice diet, using my #solar star juicer and saw all symptoms disappear and healed her stomach issues as we!.  She has since bought herself her own juicer and juices every day adapting the vegetables according to her needs.  Using #anti-oxidants to strengthen her body.  So don’t despair they do eventually listen and it becomes your story.   I am much more compassionate and patient hence my coaching is very gentle.   Oh I have not mentioned my husband.  Once again it's been a journey but been the committed man he is, he has believed in me and has become a plant based eater and my biggest supporter.  He had health issues he never mentioned as he knew what I would say, but going plant based they are resolved making him my biggest spokesperson to the community where we live.

Gillian Purkiss