Bobotie, A South African, Malaysian Traditional Dish

One of my favourite memories of food from South Africa is thius dish. Such a comforting and easy to prepare dish. I made this for my brothers Rehersal dinner which was in Canada (made the traditional way) and it was such a hit. It is a dish that can be served to guests or in a hurry to family. I new I had to come up with my version. One of my favourite things to do is to take traditional dishes and make them healthier.


2 Cups Walnuts ( I like to sprout them)*

1 whole caluliflower

1 butternut chopped

2TBS curry powder

1 TBS Lemon Juice

1/2tsp salt

1 cup Organic dried Apricots, soaked

1 cup of Peas

1TBS Miso Paste (fermented Soy or rice)


1 Cauliflower

1 cup soaked Cashew nuts (4hrs)

3TBS Nutritional Yeast

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

1/2 cup water

4 dates

1tsp Asafoetido Spice( Fenugreek) has and egg flavour, spice is from India

Bay leaves for garnish before cooking or dehydrating

Place all top ingredietns in a food processor and process until mixed and finally chopped. Place in casserol dish.

Topping: Put all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth, Pour on top of nut mixture. Add bay leaves and bake in oven at 350 deg for 1 hour or until golden brown or in Dehydrator for 6 hrs.

Serve with a Green Salad

Gillian Purkiss