Daily 5 to Thrive , 3rd in our series, How Not to Die in a Hurry

3rd in our series. Lets Thrive to stay Alive

Daily Five to Thrive, Daily Five to Stay Alive.

We often think that its about food choices, which it is, that makes a difference to our health, but there is more to the story.

Exercise can vary depending on what you enjoy. I like to have a good sweat when I exercise. The tougher the better. For others it may be a walk in the forest, gardening. As long as there is movement to your activity.

Clean Water is very important. If you live in a city then you may want to consider a water filter. There are many to choose from. I use a ceramic and charcoal filter on my pipes but there are many kinds that sit on your counter. The best one is the Berkey for pure water.

Fresh Food: Make sure your food is Organic and Fresh when possible. Local is better. When food comes from a box even if it is healthy it is still compromised. Eat the Rainbow and you will get your daily requirements of Macro and Micro Nutrients.

Rest is so essential. In our North American culture we feel guilty if we take a break. The pressure to perform is great. Make time for the Rest. Get a good nights sleep. Use black out curtains in your bedroom and remove the Television from your bedroom. Keeping your room dark will help your body to enter into that Rest.

Sunshine: Vitamin D which we receive from sunshine in so important for our immune system and keeping infections and viruses at bay. When you live in the northern hemisphere it is harder to receive the amount of Sunshine we need but make a point of going outside when possible. Vitamin D supplements are important when living in the Northern Hemisphere

Here are the Daily Five: Exercise

Clean Water

Fresh Food



Most of these are Free. Use them well and in abundance.

Gillian Purkiss