Getting equipped is key to making delicious plant based meals

The most important equipment you need in the kitchen is a good knife and sharpener. Cutting Vegetables becomes easier and you get connected to your food. This may sound strange but it really adds life to your food when you can feel it and create something delicious with it. I will often choose to use my knife than use my equipment. I have a video of the essential equipment to use when going plant based. These you can build up over time but they are not necessary if you want to keep it simple. I love experimenting with my foods so I love and use all my equipment. a key to making plant based foods appetising is using different techniques to add texture and colors. For instance, a salad using spiralized zucchini with julienned peppers, grated carrots and chopped cucumber looks fantastic and very appetising. My most used machine is my Blender and food processor. Worth the investment

Gillian Purkiss