We should All Have at least one AHA! moment every day

Photo by tanjichica7/iStock / Getty Images

How does one go from making Fillet Mignon, crème Brule and Duck a la Orange to working with and eating predominantly plants? It’s amazing how we are all on a journey of discovery.  Every day we should have at least one Aha! moment which added up over a life time like mine adds up to quite a lot.  We don’t just arrive at our decisions it always a journey.  When we look and marvel at someone’s life when they are doing something we admire we forget that a journey of ups and downs has taken place and we are seeing the result of that.  So back to my journey...

I have loved every minute of been in a kitchen.  As a little girl I was making foods beyond my years.  The Kitchen has always been a place I feel at peace and home.  Going to Silwood Kitchens Cordon Bleu School in South Africa was the most wonderful experience to begin my career as a chef.  I learnt Cake decorating, yes, I can, but choose not to, do wedding cakes where the decorations are all made by hand and intricately designed pieces of art.  I learnt floral art from the award winning florist in South Africa. Plus learning the usual French Cuisine but my favourite was the International where I won the award.  What Country did I excel in, you guessed Mediterranean Cuisine.  There has always been a pull to that way of living and eating.  Two years later found me living there and working in the kitchens.

Loving the flavours, I can taste them even as I write this, bursting in my mouth.  I felt fantastic and energized and began to see food as a celebration.  Working with people who loved the food with a passionI wanted.  Their food is so wrapped around the family and flavours of old.  French flavours are old but tired.  Still thrilling but I loved the freedom and the breaking of rules that the Mediterranean cuisine gave me. It still took many years to embrace this as I had a journey to travel.

Gillian Purkiss